The Tool Pit Story

Welcome to The Tool Pit!

Like many people, I 'worked construction' when young and always enjoyed it, but once it was time to start a family the vagaries of the construction industry seemed too iffy, especially for me because I'm up north in Snow Country so the building season is very short, and the roads between houses are very long.

Instead, I opted for a steady job with benefits but kept doing lawn maintenance and spring/fall cleanups on the side. Customers started asking me to fix things, do some pressure washing, one thing led to another, and I'm now somewhere between a well-seasoned weekend warrior and a small home improvement contractor.

Most of the DIY projects covered on The Tool Pit will center around carpentry projects such as decks, siding, sheds, patios, retaining walls, etc. I'm not a woodworker (yet) so there won't be any how-to's on building fine furniture, but we'll drool over some woodworking tools from time to time.

In addition to various DIY projects, The Tool Pit (as the name suggests) will also focus on . . . tools. The tools I have as well as the tools I wish I had, and the tools I hope to have once I'm retired and can devote time to making that fine furniture.

We're committed to making The Tool Pit a go-to resource site for people wanting to learn more about DIY tools and small construction projects. The Internet has gotten very crowded, and it can be overwhelming to sift through the information in order to determine the right product to match your needs. Our goal is to make it easier. We'll include reviews, opinions, tips, videos, and general buying advice.

The Metric System:

There's a section focusing on the Metric System on The Tool website, so I want to mention we're not experts, math whizzes, or college professors. We've come up with a system for learning the Metric System that's working well for us, so we thought we'd share. Our system may only help three people, but those three people can help another three people, who can help another three people, and so on. We're still learning, but we're determined to move America forward towards the Metric System.

We'll eventually add the Metric equivalents alongside any Imperial measurements on the The Tool Pit site or switch them to Metric altogether, but getting the website up and running took a huge amount of time so that will have to wait.

Amazon Affiliation

The Tool is a participant in the Amazon Affiliate program which may pay a small commission if you purchase a product using one of our links. More detailed info can be found on our Privacy page.

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